corner for infos: This parameter defines in what corner of the screen these informations have to be displayed. framerate: If activated, the wrapper displays the framerate of the game. This value is computed once per second and independent of the framerate-info of the game itself. So these values might differ from each other a little bit. clock: If chosen, the wrapper displays the system-time of the computer (in the chosen appearence). The clock-value is the same as the one in the task-bar. texturemass: If activated, the wrapper displays the amount of texture-memory, that is needed for storing the game-textures. This value should stay below of the real amount of texture-memory the graphic-card has. If it raises too high, I recommend to set the texture-memory of the wrapper to a lower value. sequence: By clicking on this button, you can chose, in what sequence the chosen values have to be displayed (what's at the top, what at the bottom,...). On the right hand side in the Parameter-infos-area, you can see, in what order these infos will be currently shown. If you have chosen, to see only 2 values, you might have to click twice for swapping the order. OpenGL-infos: Here it is possible to query for some infos about the OpenGL-driver. settings: Here you can change the settings which affect the behaviour of the window itself. renderer: Here you can change render-internal settings. Wrapper-statistics: Here you can choose, which additional informations have to be shown in the render-window. Extensions: Here you can decide which OpenGL-extensions have to be used by the wrapper or not. Default settings: Here you can undo every changes. Test: A quick test. English/Deutsch: Switch to german language. Quit: Quits the program. |
Last actualisation: 06.03.2008